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Shop FAQs

Blossom is in retail now?


The Blossom Shop is for your benefit—not for our profit. It’s simply a way for our friends and family to purchase Blossom-branded clothing and accessories. That’s why we are selling these items for what it costs to produce them and no more. We’re not in retail. We’re in home care. And that’s how it’s going to stay.


Can I try things on?


Unfortunately, you cannot try on items before you buy, and all items are non-returnable. So, be sure to consult the sizing chart before making your purchase. The link to the appropriate sizing chart is at the top of each item description.

What if I get sent the wrong item or it’s defective?


If you didn't get what you paid for, please email with your name, order number, item name, and a description of the issue. 


I have an idea of something you should sell in your store!


Great! Let us know about it. The Blossom Shop is for you, so send your ideas to We’ll do our best to add it to the inventory.



Thank you and happy shopping!

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